Saturday 31 March 2012

Greek food Crystallization History and Culture of the Past

Author: laparcom - For every person traveling is a very fun way to release fatigue and provide an opportunity to know the area, culture and new food. It is interesting, every region, city or country has a kind of special food that challenges to be explored. One of the beautiful country that is famous for its blend of classic Mediterranean cuisine combined with modern cuisine is Greek.

Thursday 29 March 2012

About Olive Oil

Author: Mary Dimitropoulos
Is it possible for anybody to think of the Mediterranean region without olive trees? Those trees, with the silvery green leaves, give us that unique fruit which has added a superb flavor to the cuisines of the Western Civilization.
From the Greek mythology we know that Zeus conducted a competition, challenging the gods and goddesses to see who would create the most useful gift. Athena created the olive tree with its delicious oil, that was used to ...